Winding Down Summer

We have had a great summer. I can't speak for Chris but I'm confident that he feels the same when I say that I/we are really enjoying our family. And when I say that I mean our little foursome and my parents here and Chris's sister and nephew and his parents and of course all of our phamily - close friends. We have such a great community of people who love us and our kids and who we love. We all take care of each other, support each other and love each other. It's great.
The end of summer was Joaquin's kidney anniversary with Sage's birthday following two days afterward. We had a nice birthday at Idlewild Park for him where lots of our friends came and my Mom made vegan chocolate cupcakes that were so delicious. It was a potluck birthday and everyone brought yummy dishes to share. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with a potluck! Sage decided that in honor of everyone coming out to share in his birthday celebration he would try out this walking business everyone talks so highly of. So just before the end of the party he tried it out and was successful! Since then he really hasn't done a whole lot more on the walking front. He tried it out here and there but his preferred mode of transportation is the bear crawl. He's a cautious Virgo so he's taking his time getting into walking since he doesn't like failure. He's funny.
This past weekend we were in San Francisco to see a concert called Power to the Peaceful. We were there 5 years ago (wow, 5 years!) and it was much more mellow and far fewer people. I guess in the 5 years between our last visit more people have caught on because there were so many this time. It's a free concert so I can understand. It's held in Golden Gate Park. The next day, Joaquin, Sage, Chris, me, Joaquin's bff Ranon and his Mom, Sommer all went to the exploratorium (which is where the picture above was taken.) It's the kind of place where you don't have to follow your kid around reminding him to not touch anything. They can touch everything there and it's interactive. We had a good time there.
I really have nothing new on the kidney front. Joaquin continues to drink enough and sometimes more than enough fluid every day so we are still living an ng-free life and loving it. We all just finished battling a cold about two weeks ago (although Chris didn't get hit and I suffered a little longer than Joaquin and Sage) and we all did fine with that. Joaquin wasn't really wanting to drink a lot but that's not really an option for him. He must drink.
Anyway, I was thinking that I might make this blog more about our family now that we are so far out of transplant. I will continue to update with any and all transplant related info but I'd like to include more about what our family is up to as well. Hope you don't mind. Didn't think you would. At the bottom of this post I'm going to include a video montage that I made for Sage's first birthday. Enjoy!