The Big Move

Greetings everyone! Life has been so crazy busy for us recently. I sent out a mass email a while back but for those of you who didn't get it, we are officially California residents - or I am at least. Chris still needs to get his driver's license, I already have mine. I only got one wrong on the test. Yay! We stayed overnight for the first time last Sunday but thankfully we were able to move our stuff in about three or four trips. My Dad and Mom helped us as well as Chris's parents when they were up here. One is most definitely faced with the amount of stuff one has acquired when one must move all said stuff to a new location. One plus is that we purged a lot of stuff that we didn't need anymore. We still brought a lot of stuff up with us.
The house is great. It's an A-frame house with plenty of room for all of us. I finally feel like we aren't living on top of each other. Plus it's in a better area. Our old neighborhood was getting a little too sketchy for me, especially since I had two curious young ones.
A big factor in our decision to move to California was that Joaquin's Medicare benefits run out at the end of August, his 3 year kidney anniversary. We were expecting this and thankfully there are more programs to help out little guys with this unlike adults, it's still stressing and worrisome for some reason or another. So we are in the process of applying for MediCal and CCS, a program for kids like Joaquin which will act as secondary to MediCal. Kind of how Medicaid is secondary and Medicare is primary for Joaquin. We have to switch pharmacies as well. I'm not too worried about a doctor up there - I did get in contact with the local pediatrician office and they seemed comfortable to take on Joaquin. We never saw our pediatrician here in Reno much anyway. Joaquin always seems to get sick on the weekends or in the evening when the office is closed anyway. And then about a month ago, I get a call from his current pediatrician's office in Reno saying that as of November 2007 they were no longer taking Medicare. Um, okay. Thanks for the heads up - 1 1/2 years later!! It was and is laughable and great timing since we were in the process of moving. So long story short, California has better programs and support for kids like Joaquin.
Speaking of Joaquin! He's turning 4 on the 15th of this month! He wants to have his customary party at Idlewild like all other years and then he wants to go bowling. So cute! So that's the plan! Don't tell him but we are going to get him a little razor scooter (don't worry, he has a helmet) and something else - maybe a poster of Sponge Bob or Lightning McQueen for his bedroom.
And then on the 23rd of this month we are planning another biopsy. A follow up biopsy to the one in January. We've tried to reschedule it about every month but some thing or another came up. So it looks like this will be a go finally. I don't know how to feel - I mean, of course I'm scared but I do feel like otherwise he's doing good. He's been eating so much lately and his little pants are getting to be high waters or capris. He's got great color, he's playing a lot, really active. I'm always scared about rejection, you're probably well aware of that now, but everything feels good right now. I just pray and pray that everything looks clear on the biopsy. Please keep us in your thoughts, please pray for Joaquin that his kidney is still okay. Think good thoughts for him and us. Thank you so much.

p.s. Thank you to Ms. Audrey Love for the beautiful pictures of my children. She took the pictures posted on this new entry as well as the last one. I love them.
I'm glad your move went well! I hope you guys feel settled quickly. We moved in October and I'm not sure I feel completely settled yet. Given the number of boxes still in the garage I would say I still have some work to do.
I will be saying prayers for Joaquin's biopsy to go well and that there is no sign of rejection. Logan is being activated on Wednesday so we can expect a call anytime after that. it's a bit nerve wracking not knowing when we will get the call, especially with two other little ones and the hospital being 3 hours away.
Anyway, saying no rejection prayers for Joaquin.
crap...there's a test I need to pass to get my CA driver's license??? And you only got 1 wrong? That means I need to get 100%. I'm studying, good thing you wrote about that. Thanks
Miss your guts,
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