Joaquin on the news!

Here's a link to it:
Look to the right of the page and you'll see a picture of Joaquin and Sage. Click on the "play" button and watch the video.
Joaquin was very excited to see himself on the news. He had to watch it a couple of times. The icecream cone he was eating was the reward of a bribe on my part. He didn't want to take the time to come and talk with the cameraman so I told him if he did then he's get one. It's my first time bribing him like that and look how well it worked!
It's also cute where he pulls up his sleeve and talks about Buckey poking him in the arm. That's the phlebotomist we see numerous times a month. He really likes Buckey and so when they were asking him about the doctors and the hospitals that's what he talked about. So cute. Otherwise, he was a little camera shy and wanting to show off his pedaling skills. The clip was supposed to air this morning on the news but never made it on for some reason so we've just been pointing everyone in the direction of the website. Please pass along the link and share!