In the end, we decided that we would like to keep part of them thinking that perhaps one day Joaquin would like to see them and maybe take them in for show and tell. They had already been sliced in half and so we got half of each kidney. And here they are - the picture doesn't do them true justice, so if you want to ever see them in the flesh, just ask.
Pretty gnarly, huh? The one on the left doesn't even look like a kidney and you can sort of make out the kidney shape of the one on the right. I'm still kind of grossed out by the thought that we are now the proud owners of Joaquin's kidneys and that they are sitting in a manilla folder in our room.
Do I feel a sense of closure? A little bit. I think in the back of my mind I will always wonder if the right kidney would have worked because he was peeing the whole time which means that the kidney was working. But who knows if the cysts would have grown bigger and caused problems. It was time. Seeing them definetly made me feel better about my choice, though.
Still on schedule for release tomorrow. We were informed today that there is no room for him in the day hospital Monday to have his super-pubic catheter removed, so it's been pushed back until Wednesday, which I'm not happy about but Chris says he's fine with it - he wants to make sure that kidney and ureter are all healed and ready to go. A man with an ultrasound machine came into the room today to view the kidney and so I got to view my, I mean our, kidney again. Looking good!
I also wanted to include a few more photos from today:
Joaquin! I love your metal boobie tassles!! You look awesome...we miss you buddy!
Meghan, Chris, Joaquin, and all,
What an incredible journey you are taking! As we read your wonderfully descriptive writings, we wonder,"have they detailed the first year in writing, too?"
As you begin chronicling the 2nd year of Joaquin's "road trip", there is the distinct idea that this "unique young man" will experience the specialness of his life through receiving his Momma's gift, viewing and/or touching his "show and tell" science-from-the-body experiment, and knowing that so many people care about him and are praying for him and his family.
And, if Mom continues to write, he will get to read about this ADVENTURE, too. Maybe he'll even become a Dr. with a specialization in Renal Disease.
Reaching out with prayers and thoughts to all of you,
Ron and Pam
I love the kidney shot.. I think you did the right thing by looking and keeping htem.. I totally would have done that too.. I am so grateful to know a cofident wonderful person as you Meghan.. I wish one day we will meet face to face..You are an inspiration to me!!!
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