Silver Lining?

I don't really have to much to update on. We didn't even hear from anyone at Stanford until today and it was only after both Chris and I called multiple times. At first it irked me that they would call and give us news and information like that and then take over a week to get back to us (after we called them!) and while it still does irk me a little I'm also feeling like that meant it wasn't urgent. If it was something that needed to happen quickly then we would have been down there last weekend. No matter how flaky they can be, they are on top of the care of their patients for the most part and tend to always want to "play it safe" which I appreciate So that's good, I guess.
Finally today Chris got in touch with Amy. She's making it sound like it isn't urgent at all and that it may not even be that big of a deal. She told Chris that at their Joaquin conference (a conference they have for all of their transplant patients) there was no mention of the word "rejection." So that's good!!!! We are going to go ahead with the biopsy since he did have the antibodies and both Chris and I feel like it's time. Ever since that sickness at the end of October his numbers have just been all wonky - we'd like to make sure everything is okay and that we're not missing anything. The doctors have never had a biopsy on Joaquin and they would just like to see an very clear picture of how it's doing. When I talked to Dr. Wong she really made me worry but their actions (as far as not making it an urgent thing and taking over a week to get back to us) have made me wonder if she wasn't just making sure they got this biopsy. We've always told them that if there was ever cause for concern we wouldn't hesitate and they know that. They've tried a few different times to "talk us into" getting a biopsy but we never felt it was warranted. Well, now we're all on the same page.
A big concern with doing the biopsies and Joaquin is that he didn't do too good with anesthesia the last two times he's been given it. He's much bigger now than when he had his last incidences and we feel like they are well aware of how wary we are of using it. We've talked to Joaquin a little bit about what the doctors told him and asked him what he felt about it all and he says his kidney's good and that if he just eats more pears, apples and bananas then it will be even better. He's such a character.
So as of right now we're waiting on Amy to let us know when they can fit us in. Some time this month, but we're not sure when just yet. I turned to Chris the other night and said, what if we just prayed that he didn't have any antibodies at all! Miracles happen. I just pray for a healthy kidney, both Chris and I feel like he's doing really well and so is his kidney. So, he's not sick. He's a happy, healthy, extraordinary 3 1/2 year old kidlet!
Thank you for all the prayers and I have to request that you keep sending them. Our prayers and blessings are with all of you as well.
We love you.
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