Stay Positive

Today we received word back from Amy today regarding his labs. We checked creatinine, BUN, white cell count, and Prograf. We won't know Prograf for another day or so but we did learn that his creatinine is a little elevated at .7 when usually it sits around .3 - .4. So while that's not alarmingly high, it is a little alarming that it's elevated since his creatinine has been so steady. Our nurse did not seemed overly concerned, I would even say she sounded calm. His last creatinine on the 13th of October was at .3 so it's somewhat safe to assume that his five day fever could be the culprit. When we went in for labs yesterday his phlebotomist said commented on how he was dehydrated since none of his veins where showing up. Today he said, and I quote, "Well, this is a little better."
So the nurse said that after consulting the doctor, they would like to increase his fluid intake by 500ml or 1/2 a liter. Seems like a lot but when you're willing to do anything to get the numbers where they need to be, it's not so bad. And really, it's not so bad. We have a little 4 ounce cup that we fill and make him drink all at once. It would surprise you how (relatively) easy it is to get the required amount of fluids in. I'm going to wake up a few times in the night and get him to drink a cup, which I'm sure he's not going to be happy about but it's also not a permanent thing. I'm not sure if we're only going to need to tack on an additional 500mLs tonight or if this will need to continue for a while - labs tomorrow will give us a better idea.
So the nurse said that since his last creatinine level looked good, she's theorizing that he's just needing the extra fluids and that it's not rejections. However, if his creatinine does not responde to the extra 500mL's of fluid then there we will move on to the next steps which would be IV fluids and/or a renal (kidney) ultrasound.
Pray, pray, pray that this is just a little dehydration from the sickness and fever. I'm nervous and worried and scared but at the same time I do feel peaceful and also that this is just because of the sickness. All the little pieces of this are pointing in that direction.
We are repeating labs in the morning and should know more by the afternoon.
Thank you for all the love and support today, we really appreciated it.
Love to you and your cute fam, Meghan.
xoxoxo IvyP
Hang in there, my friend. We are rooting for you all the way! Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you!
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