Day by Day

A mama blogs the journey to transplant and beyond...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bumps in the Road

It was a close one, but we got released from the hospital this evening. They were going to try and make us stay for the night because we, of course, are having issues with our prescription insurance. Two of the most important forms that we faxed over to them on Saturday so that they could have the pre-authorization necessary to fill the prescriptions were either lost or misplaced. So today me and another doctor scrambled to get things in place so that Joaquin could be discharged. I've never felt the physical impact of stress until today. I'm just thankful at this point that we got discharged and didn't have to stay another night.

The reason they would have wanted him to stay another night is because if he's in the hospital, the insurance will cover prescriptions through the hospital pharmacy, but as soon as we're discharged, we have to go through a Walgreens in Arizona to fill his compounded medications because no Walgreens anywhere but Arizona can do this for some reason. I don't completely believe this, so I'm going to work on getting a Walgreen's pharmacy in at least Nevada. I was speaking to another transplant family who are from Las Vegas and they seem pleased with where they're getting their prescriptions from, so I'm going to look into them.

We had a hard time believing that he needed to stay the night last night, but we were compliant because the doctors felt it was best. In the afternoon we decided that there really was no reason for us to be sitting in the hospital room and since the nurses only come through every four hours to do vitals we decided to go for a walk. Chris saw Dr Alexander and mentioned it to him and he said, "A walk would be good." So we packed up Joaquin in his stroller and we strolled him right out the entrance of the hospital. We walked over to Trader Joe's and got a few things and then walked back. We were gone for a total of about 2 hours and no missed us at all. Sometimes I forget that it's not like we are in prison when we are in the hospital. I mean, if your child is sick, then it probably wouldn't be a good idea to leave the hospital, but since we were just basically sitting around waiting to leave - we saw no harm in a nice walk. The fresh air and exercise did us good.

Chris stayed the night in the hospital with Joaquin and I went back to the RMH to get some sleep - which I appreciate because I have a hard time sleeping at the hospital and Chris can fall asleep anywhere. Most of the time when Joaquin is in the hospital Chris actually falls asleep before I leave, so I just kiss them both goodnight and duck out to go get some quality sleep.

The doctors usually do their rounds in the morning where they go to each room and discuss the patient and the plan. Parents are welcome to listen in on the conversation but if they don't chose to then generally the doctors come in and let them know what is going on. When I got there this morning the doctors had already been through and Chris said that we would not have to get labs drawn tomorrow or go to clinic and - this is the exciting part - at clinic on Monday we would discuss with Dr Wong about going home! The doctors are all in agreement that the biopsy is not taking place at the end of this month and everything has been going so well as far as his kidney goes... So I'm happy to eat my words when I said that I didn't foresee us going home around the 100 day mark because now it looks like we will.

Chris left tonight to go back to work. I'm so thankful that his work is so understanding about letting him have the time off work when we need him to be down here with us. It's always hard to be in the hospital with a little one because not only do you need the moral support, but you also need a break to step out and go make or pick up some food. I would never dream of just sitting Joaquin in his "cage" or hospital bed and walking out. First because he would never let me, but also because it's always best to be with your little on at all times in the hospital so that you can be sure that they're not doing anything wrong. And it's not so much about them doing something wrong, but you know you're child the best. Sometimes it's just good to have another set of eyes when they bring in medication. I know parents who have stopped a nurse from giving the wrong dosage or medication because they double checked. Once small mistake could mean a huge consequence or set back. Doctors and nurses are humans and therefore prone to error, just like anyone else.

So the rest of our week is looking (hopefully) uneventful. We have to get blood drawn on Friday and then we have clinic on Monday where we are going to discuss moving back to Reno. Joaquin is still nurturing his confidence in walking. He's been such a snuggle bug lately too. Always wanting to snuggle up and give me hugs and kisses. We're both feeling good that we're out of the hospital. I was thinking today while he was sitting on my lap that even though we were in the hospital, I was just thankful that it wasn't something major like rejection. Thankful that all of our little hospitalizations are for minor, non-kidney related issue. When we have these little minor issues I always wonder if I'm not praying or giving thanks enough or if prayer is not applicable to this, but when I step away and look at the big picture I see that all of our prayers are working and guiding us through this without any major complications. The doctors always tell us that we are having a relatively smooth post-transplant pre-100 day time. I have a hard time seeing that when we are sitting in the hospital but I've always felt like giving Joaquin my kidney was the best thing for him. I just don't see how his body could reject it, you know? My Aunt Pam said that she had a peaceful feeling about all of this and I have to say that I agree with you, Pam. I get scared about how this will all work out, but I've always felt good about him getting my kidney. I think I am so prepared by the doctors and nurses for the worst that it overshadows the positivity I feel deep inside. Thank you to everyone who are thinking about us and praying for us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hurray for talking about coming home! The doctors must realize that it's time to leave, so you can be surrounded by your support system for the holidays. We ALL have something HUGE (say what, 25 lbs now huge??) to be thankful for during this holiday season. No matter what you may think about all these "problems" Joaquin has escaped from anything serious, and that's all that really matters.
Love you guys, and give Joaquin a huge hug for me. Can't wait to see you this weekend!

10:45 AM  

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