Day by Day

A mama blogs the journey to transplant and beyond...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


This morning was the 3rd day in a row that we had to do blood work. We also have to do it tomorrow along with an ultrasound because Joaquin's creatinine is a little higher than they usually see with him. On Monday it was 0.31, Tuesday it was 0.29, and today it was 0.30. Looking back on the creatinine info that I listed in a blog entry in September, that's totally normal for an infant, but of course I'm worried. And really there's no reason to be worried about it because it's not like his creatinine is rising, or rising alone. Amy was saying that this might just be where his creatinine numbers level out at because he's not on 24 hour hydration anymore, but just to be on the safe side they want to do an ultrasound. I have no problems with ultrasounds because they are non-invasive, no sedation involved and Joaquin doesn't seem bothered by it. Another thing to consider is that his formula was changed, which could also throw is numbers a little off. My biggest fear is that it's rejection, but even if it was rejection it does not mean that he would lose the kidney.

Just to be clear and not scare anyone, they are not considering this to be threatened rejection - they feel as though it's just his kidney requiring more hydration. But either way, please keep us in your thoughts and say an extra prayer for Joaquin and his creatinine and BUN levels - that this is nothing more than Joaquin's body adjusting to it's new kidney. And send me a little strength, because I'm a mama and worrying is what we do best.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't let the fear and worry get you, mama. we are all sending so much love... and like paper to rock in ro-sham-bo, love totally beats out worry!



8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Molly's got it right!!!
Love over Worry all the time, so stay positive and free and clear from fear.
Much Love and mucho mucho Strength,

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart and prayers are with you three! Know that we are all thinking of you, and sending our energy to you!

As the ladies before have said, be STRONG and remain positive...

Much love and power to you~

3:49 PM  

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